How to Create a New Slips Module

What is SLIPS and why are modules useful

Slips is a machine learning-based intrusion prevention system for Linux and MacOS, developed at the Stratosphere Laboratories from the Czech Technical University in Prague. Slips reads network traffic flows from several sources, applies multiple detections (including machine learning detections) and detects infected computers and attackers in the network. It is easy to extend the functionality of Slips by writing a new module. This blog shows how to create a new module for Slips from scratch.

Goal of this Blog

This blog creates an example module to detect when any private IP address communicates with another private IP address. What we want is to know if, for example, the IP, is communicating with the IP This simple idea, but still useful, is going to be the purpose of our module. Also, it will generate an alert for Slips to consider this situation. Our module will be called local_connection_detector.

High-level View of how a Module Works

The Module consists of the init() function for initializations, subscribing to channels, reading API files etc.

The main function of each module is the main(), this function is run in a while loop that keeps looping as long as Slips is running so that the module doesn’t terminate.

In case of errors in the module, the main() function should return 1 which will cause the module to immediately terminate.

any initializations that should be run only once should be placed in the init() function OR the pre_main(). the pre_main() is a function that acts as a hook for the main function. it runs only once and then the main starts running in a loop. the pre-main is the place for initialization logic that cannot be done in the init, for example dropping the root privileges from a module. we’ll discuss this in more detail later.

Each module has a common print() method that handles text printing and logging by passing everything to the for processing. the print function is implemented in the abstract module slips_files/common/ and used by all modules.

Each Module has its own shutdown_gracefully() function that handles cleaning up after the module is done processing. It handles for example:

  • Saving a model before Slips stops

  • Saving alerts in a .txt file if the module’s job is to export alerts

  • Telling the main module ( that the module is done processing so can kill it etc.

Developing a Module

When Slips runs, it automatically loads all the modules inside the modules/ directory. Therefore, our new module should be placed there.

Slips has a template module directory that we are going to copy and then modify for our purposes.

cp -a modules/template modules/local_connection_detector

Changing the Name of the Module

Each module in Slips should have a name, author and description.

We should change the name inside the py file by finding the lines with the name and description in the class ‘Module’ and changing them:

name = 'local_connection_detector'
description = (
    'detects connections to other devices in your local network'
authors = ['Your name']

At the end you should have a structure like this:

├─ local_connection_detector/
│  ├─
│  ├─

The is to make sure the module is treated as a python package, don’t delete it.

Remember to delete the pycache dir if it’s copied to the new module using:

rm -r modules/local_connection_detector/__pycache__

Redis Pub/Sub

First, we need to subscribe to the channel new_flow

self.c1 = self.db.subscribe('new_flow')

and add this to the module’s list of channels

self.channels = {
    'new_flow': self.c1,

this list is used to get msgs from the channel later.

So now everytime slips sees a new flow, you can access it from your module using the following line

msg = self.get_msg('new_flow')

the implementation of the get_msg is placed in the abstract module in slips_files/common/ and is inherited by all modules.

The above line checks if a message was received from the channel you subscribed to.

Now, you can access the content of the flow using

flow = msg['data']

Thus far, we have the following code that gets a msg everytime slips reads a new flow

def init(self):
    self.c1 = self.db.subscribe('new_ip')
    self.channels = {
        'new_ip': self.c1,
  def pre_main(self):
        Initializations that run only once before the main() function runs in a loop
 def main(self):
    """Main loop function"""
    if  msg:= self.get_msg('new_flow'):

Detecting connections to local devices

Now that we have the flow, we need to:

  • Extract the source IP

  • Extract the destination IP

  • Check if both of them are private

  • Generate an evidence

Extracting IPs is done by the following:

msg = msg['data']
msg = json.loads(msg)
flow = json.loads(msg['flow'])
uid = next(iter(flow))
flow = json.loads(flow[uid])
saddr = flow['saddr']
daddr = flow['daddr']
timestamp = flow['ts']

Now we need to check if both of them are private.

import ipaddress
srcip_obj = ipaddress.ip_address(saddr)
dstip_obj = ipaddress.ip_address(daddr)
if srcip_obj.is_private and dstip_obj.is_private:

Now that we’re sure both IPs are private, we need to generate an alert.

Slips requires certain info about the evidence to be able to deal with them.

first, since we are creating a new evidence, other than the ones defined in the EvidenceType Enum in StratosphereLinuxIPS/slips_files/core/evidence_structure/ then, we need to add it

so the EvidenceType Enum in slips_files/core/evidence_structure/ would look something like this

class EvidenceType(Enum):
    These are the types of evidence slips can detect

now we have our evidence type supported. it’s time to set the evidence!

Now we need to use the Evidence structure of slips, to do that, first import the necessary dataclasses

from slips_files.core.evidence_structure.evidence import \

now use them,

# on a scale of 0 to 1, how confident you are of this evidence
confidence = 0.8
# how dangerous is this evidence? info, low, medium, high, critical?
threat_level = ThreatLevel.HIGH

# the name of your evidence, you can put any descriptive string here
# this is the type we just created
evidence_type = EvidenceType.CONNECTION_TO_LOCAL_DEVICE
# what is this evidence category according to IDEA categories 
# which ip is the attacker here? 
attacker = Attacker(
            direction=Direction.SRC, # who's the attacker the src or the dst?
            attacker_type=IoCType.IP, # is it an IP? is it a domain? etc.
            value=saddr # the actual ip/domain/url of the attacker, in our case, this is the IP
victim = Victim(
# describe the evidence
description = f'A connection to a local device {daddr}'
# the current profile is the source ip, 
# this comes in the msg received in the channel
# the profile this evidence should be in, should be the profile of the attacker
# because this is evidence that this profile is attacker others right?
profile = ProfileID(ip=saddr)
# Profiles are split into timewindows, each timewindow is 1h, 
# this if of the timewindwo comes in the msg received in the channel 
twid_number = int(
timewindow = TimeWindow(number=twid_number)
# how many flows formed this evidence?
# in the case of scans, it can be way more than 1
conn_count = 1
# list of uids of the flows that are part of this evidence
uid_list = [uid]
# no use the above info to create the evidence obj
evidence = Evidence(
                # when did this evidence happen? use the
                # flow's ts detected by zeek
                # this comes in the msg received in the channel

Testing the Module

The module is now ready to be used. You can copy/paste the complete code that is here

First we start Slips by using the following command:

./ -i wlp3s0 -o local_conn_detector

-o is to store the output in the local_conn_detector/ dir.

Then we make a connnection to a local ip (change it to a host you know is up in your network)


And you should see your alerts in ./local_conn_detector/alerts.log by using

cat local_conn_detector/alerts.log 
Using develop - 9f5f9412a3c941b3146d92c8cb2f1f12aab3699e - 2022-06-02 16:51:43.989778

2022/06/02-16:51:57: Src IP              . Detected a connection to a local device
2022/06/02-16:51:57: Src IP              . Detected a connection to a local device


Due to the high modularity of slips, adding a new slips module is as easy as modifying a few lines in our template module, and slips handles running your module and integrating it for you.

This is the list of the modules Slips currently have. You can enhance them, add detections, suggest new ideas using our Discord or by opening a PR.

For more info about the threat levels, check the docs

Detailed explanation of IDEA categories here

Detailed explanation of Slips profiles and timewindows here

Contributing guidelines

Complete Code

Here is the whole code for copy/paste.

import ipaddress
import json

from slips_files.core.evidence_structure.evidence import \
from slips_files.common.imports import *

class Module(IModule, multiprocessing.Process):
    # Name: short name of the module. Do not use spaces
    name = 'local_connection_detector'
    description = 'detects connections to other devices in your local network'
    authors = ['Template Author']

    def init(self):
        # To which channels do you wnat to subscribe? When a message
        # arrives on the channel the module will wakeup
        # The options change, so the last list is on the
        # slips/core/ file. However common options are:
        # - new_ip
        # - tw_modified
        # - evidence_added
        # Remember to subscribe to this channel in redis_db/
        self.c1 = self.db.subscribe('new_flow')
        self.channels = {
            'new_flow': self.c1,

    def shutdown_gracefully(
        # Confirm that the module is done processing

    def pre_main(
        Initializations that run only once before the main() function runs in a loop

    def main(
        """Main loop function"""
        if msg := self.get_msg('new_flow'):
            msg = msg['data']
            msg = json.loads(msg)
            flow = json.loads(msg['flow'])
            uid = next(iter(flow))
            flow = json.loads(flow[uid])
            saddr = flow['saddr']
            daddr = flow['daddr']
            timestamp = flow['ts']
            srcip_obj = ipaddress.ip_address(saddr)
            dstip_obj = ipaddress.ip_address(daddr)
            if srcip_obj.is_private and dstip_obj.is_private:
                # on a scale of 0 to 1, how confident you are of this evidence
                confidence = 0.8
                # how dangerous is this evidence? info, low, medium, high, critical?
                threat_level = ThreatLevel.HIGH
                # the name of your evidence, you can put any descriptive string here
                # this is the type we just created
                evidence_type = EvidenceType.CONNECTION_TO_LOCAL_DEVICE
                # what is this evidence category according to IDEA categories 
                category = IDEACategory.ANOMALY_CONNECTION
                # which ip is the attacker here? 
                attacker = Attacker(
                            direction=Direction.SRC, # who's the attacker the src or the dst?
                            attacker_type=IoCType.IP, # is it an IP? is it a domain? etc.
                            value=saddr # the actual ip/domain/url of the attacker, in our case, this is the IP
                victim = Victim(
                # describe the evidence
                description = f'A connection to a local device {daddr}'
                # the current profile is the source ip, 
                # this comes in the msg received in the channel
                # the profile this evidence should be in, should be the profile of the attacker
                # because this is evidence that this profile is attacker others right?
                profile = ProfileID(ip=saddr)
                # Profiles are split into timewindows, each timewindow is 1h, 
                # this if of the timewindwo comes in the msg received in the channel 
                twid_number = int(
                timewindow = TimeWindow(number=twid_number)
                # how many flows formed this evidence?
                # in the case of scans, it can be way more than 1
                conn_count = 1
                # list of uids of the flows that are part of this evidence
                uid_list = [uid]
                # no use the above info to create the evidence obj
                evidence = Evidence(
                                # when did this evidence happen? use the
                                # flow's ts detected by zeek
                                # this comes in the msg received in the channel

Line by Line Explanation of the Module

This section is for more detailed explanation of what each line of the module does.

from slips_files.common.imports import *

This line imports all the common modules that need to be imported by all Slips modules in order for them to work you can check the import here slips_files/common/

In order to print in your module, you simply use the following line

self.print("some text", 1, 0)

and the text will be sent to the output queue to process, log, and print to the terminal.

Now here’s the pre_main() function, all initializations like dropping root privs, checking for API keys, etc should be done here


the above line is responsible for dropping root privileges, so if slips starts with sudo and the module doesn’t need the root permissions, we drop them.

Now here’s the main() function, this is the main function of each module, it’s the one that gets executed when the module starts.

All the code in this function is run in a loop as long as the module is online.

in case of an error, the module’s main should return non-zero and the module will finish execution and terminate. if there’s no errors, the module will keep looping until it runs out of msgs in the redis channels and will call shutdown_gracefully() and terminate.

if msg := self.get_msg('new_flow'):

The above line listens on the channel called new_flow that we subscribed to earlier.

The messages received in the channel are flows the slips read by the the input process.

Reading Input flows from an external module

Slips relies on input process for reading flows, either from an interface, a pcap, or zeek files, etc.

If you want to add your own module that reads flows from somehwere else, for example from a simulation framework like the CYST module, you can easily do that using the --input-module <module_name> parameter

Reading flows should be handeled by that module, then sent to the inputprocess for processing using the new_module_flow channel.

For now, this feature only supports reading flows in zeek json format, but feel free to extend it.

How to shutdown_gracefully()

The stop_message is sent from the main to the control_module channel to tell all modules that slips is stopping and the modules should finish all the processing it’s doing and shutdown.

So, for example if you’re training a ML model in your module, and you want to save it before the module stops,

You should place your save_model() function in the shutdown_gracefully() function, right before the module announces its name as finished in the finished_modules channel

Inside shutdown_gracefully() we have the following line, This is the module, responding to the stop_message, telling that it successfully finished processing and is ready to be killed.



Most errors occur when running the module inside SLIPS. These errors are hard to resolve, because warnings and debug messages may be hidden under extensive outputs from other modules.

If the module does not start at all, make sure it is not disabled in the config/slips.conf file. If that is not the case, check that the file is present in module directory, and read the output files (errors.log and slips.log) - if there were any errors (eg. import errors), they would prevent the module from starting.

In case that the module is started, but does not receive any messages from the channel, make sure that:

-The channel is properly subscribed to in the module

-Messages are being sent in this channel

-Other modules subscribed to the channel get the message

- the channel name is present in the supported_channels list in redis_db/


Slips has 2 kinds of tests, unit tests and integration tests.

integration tests are done by testing all files in our dataset/ dir and are done by the test files in tests/integration_tests/

Before pushing, run the unit tests and integration tests by:

1- Make sure you’re in slips main dir (the one with

2- Run all tests ./tests/

Slips supports the -P flag to run redis on your port of choice. this flag is used so that slips can keep track of the ports it opened while testing and close them later.

Adding your own unit tests

Slips uses pytest as the main testing framework, You can add your own unit tests by:

1- create a file called in the tests/ dir

2- create a method for initializing your module in tests/

3- every function should start with test_

4- go to the main slips dir and run ./tests/ and every test file in the tests/ dir will run

Getting in touch

Feel free to join our Discord server and ask questions, suggest new features or give us feedback.

PRs and Issues are welcomed in our repo.


Adding a new feature to SLIPS is an easy task. The template is ready for everyone to use and there is not much to learn about Slips to be able to write a module.

If you wish to add a new module to the Slips repository, issue a pull request and wait for a review.